Neighborly Relations – Brad Pitt Tosses A Cold Beer Can To Matthew McConaughey

May 21, 2014


When it comes to neighborly relations, Brad Pitt and Matthew McConaughey certainly showed friendliness in the middle of New Orleans when they tossed back a few beers together – literally.

The movie stars, both in town for charity events, spotted each other while hanging out on their respective balconies in the French Quarter. The two actors had a brief chat in a New Orleans equivalent of a conversation over backyard fences.

Pitt, knowing that McConaughey would appreciate a fizzy beer, went inside, fetched a cold one, and then tossed the can to his pal. Usually, the tradition calls for you to take off your top when someone tosses you something, but we’ll let it slide because McConaughey so rarely has his shirt on.

After Pitt’s great throw and McConaughey’s even better catch, the “Dallas Buyers Club” star popped it open and drank it, just what you’re supposed to do when a neighbor tosses you a beer.

Both actors were in the Big Easy for charity-related endeavors: McConaughey was in town for an “Amazing Race” event benefitting his Just Keep Livin’ Foundation and the NFL star’s Dream Brees Foundation.

Pitt, who owns a home in New Orleans with fiancée Angelina Jolie, was there to host a gala for his Make It Right Foundation.