Hugh Jackman Treated For Skin Cancer For 3rd Time This Year

October 28, 2014


Over the last 12 months, Hugh Jackman has been diagnosed with skin cancer and has been treated three times over that period of time.

All Good

A representative for the Hollywood A-list actor has reported recently for E! News that Jackman had a surgery several days ago.

He underwent a serious procedure for basal cell carcinoma, however, the rep stated that the actor is “all good” now.

This is the third time that the Wolverine actor has been treated for his newly found condition over the past 12 months. Jackman had cancerous cells removed in November 2013, and then again 6 months ago in May of this year.

Realistic about the Future

During his interview at the Beijing premiere of “X-Men: Days of Future Past” back in May, the 46-year-old star stated he was aware of what awaits him and that he knew he would probably have many more procedures in the future.

“I’m realistic about the future and it’s more than likely that I’ll have at least one more but probably many more, which is not uncommon for an Aussie particularly from English stock growing up in Australia where I don’t remember ever being told to put sunscreen on,” frank was Hugh.

Nevertheless, he also added he was staying positive about his condition, was attending regular medical check-ups and that he changed some of his habits.

“The beauty of this is it’s all preventable, it’s just about getting proper check-ups. I can be a typical man, a little lazy. I couldn’t be bothered. And now I’m not lazy at all.”