15 Celebrities with Physical Deformities


6. Ashton Kutcher (Webbed Toes…again)

Alright, I know that webbed toes have already been covered in this segment, but Ashton Kutcher makes the list simply because of his charisma both on screen an off.

Regardless of personal opinions on the talents of the actor, Kutcher repeatedly displays a confidence that many are forced to admit is intoxicating.

Granted webbed toes aren’t really that big of a deal though. Shoes and socks are a natural part of one’s dress, so even if one is self-conscious about this little deformity, it would be easy to hide. However, the news is out on the internet, so I guess Kutcher is really into hiding it.

Speaking of rumors, though, many of Ashton’s exes speak of another “little” problem the actor has, but hey, those are just rumors…