11 Most Illogical Movie Endings


6. Fight Club (1999)

Everyone who has seen “Fight Club” loves it. Well, maybe just guys love it, but the point remains that “Fight Club” was a great movie.

The ending was unexpected, but the flashback scenes make it work perfectly and the viewer is left asking why he or she didn’t see it all coming.

Even better, the movie keeps you thinking long after it is over. There is one problem though.

At the end of the movie, Ed Norton’s character shoots himself, through the head, to get rid of the Brad Pitt character that he comes to understand is just a delusion created by his own brain.

Have you ever seen someone shoot himself through his mouth into his brain and then manage to stand up afterwards?

Of course not. It’s ludicrous at best and downright insulting at worst. The movie had so much going for it and then it throws it all away.

It simply is not possible to perform a frontal lobotomy with a handgun and get back up immediately afterward. You may, indeed, survive the event if everything goes just right, but you will not get up, talk to your girlfriend in a raspy voice, and then walk away. Come to think of it, the whole movie really doesn’t make sense. The ending just clinched it.